Die-hard enthusiasts and veterans of the vaping world are likely familiar with the brand, GeekVapes. A range of e-cigs, atomizers, RTAs, and rebuildable coils, GeekVape is developed and produced by Shenzhen GeekVape Technology Co., Ltd. which was set up in December 2015. Within a short time, the company made its mark with its GeekVape Griffin RTA which was both affordable and a great vaping product. Many competitors have attempted to duplicate or release better mods, single and double battery devices, sub-ohm tanks, and other accessories. But, GeekVape manages to come out the winner with better and more innovative products. Read ahead for an overview of some of the best-sellers available at BlackoutVapors.
Why Mouth to Lung Vaping is Similar to Smoking
Users who are just transitioning to vaping as a nicotine replacement therapy option will want devices that are similar to conventional cigarettes. If this is you, go for the Mouth to Lung (M2L or MTL) mods like the GeekVape Flint Kit. When you take a puff on the e-cig, you’ll collect the vapors in your mouth. Next, you’ll breathe in and let the vapors enter your lungs. Each time you inhale, you’ll sense a tingling sensation which is called a throat hit. Typically, MTL vaping gives you a smooth hit. When looking for the right vape device, you may want to opt for GeekVape coils that have ohm levels of 1.0 and above. Sub-ohm coils can make the vape too hot and you won’t get the right amounts of flavors. Get higher ohm coils and they’ll maintain the temperatures so that the e-liquid vaporizes properly and you get the full spectrum of flavors.
MTL devices have an additional advantage. You won’t have to worry about wicking them because the coils are available pre-fitted with artificial fibers or vaping cotton. And, since the gadgets work at low wattages of 15 to 20 watts, you won’t risk them overheating. As for the appropriate e-liquid, get the best vaping experience with flavors that contain an even balance of Propylene Glycerol (PG) and Vegetable Glycerin (VG). Choosing e-juices with a higher PG ratio also works well for MTL vaping.
Why the Flint GeekVape Starter Kit is Ideal for Quitting Smoking
MTL gadgets are typically gentle on the throat giving you a satisfying, smoother experience. Further, you’ll enjoy the flavors better since the higher PG ratio is a more effective carrier. You may end up liking vaping so much that switching to lower levels of nicotine is much easier. You’ll also use less e-juice because fewer puffs satisfy your cravings for a cigarette. When using the Flint, make sure to open 3 to 5 air vents so you have great airflow, and you’re sure to get great vapors.
Moving on to the Next Level of Vaping – With the Aegis Mods by GeekVape
When you’re ready to take vaping to the next level with a choice of settings, you’ll want to invest in the Aegis GeekVape box mods. These Geek products come with sub-ohm tanks that heat your e-liquids to a higher temperature. As a result, you can hope to get better flavors though, you may have to work out the exact wattage that you like best. Let’s take, for instance, the GeekVape Aegis Mini Kit that has an 80-Watt coil along with the Cerberus mesh tank and a 2200 built-in battery. As with most other vaping kits, you can expect to see components like:
- The box mod
- A kit with extra O-rings, so you can replace when needed
- Glass tank with a capacity of 5.5ml of e-liquid
- Atomizer with an extra coil having a wattage of 30 to 45W and Kanthal mesh
- USB cable for charging
- Adjustable air filters
- Waterproof and dustproof structure with the charging port at the base
The Aegis Mini has a smart LED screen with two control buttons below so you can raise and lower the settings according to your specifications. These buttons also work as up and down scroll buttons so you can choose the levels you want to change. Pressing down on both of them together will lock down the screen. Click five times on the fire button near the top of the mod, and the screen lights up to tell you that the device is switched on and ready for use. Here are some of the settings you can change:
- The wattage that ranges from 30W to 80W
- Pressing down on the fire and left button together allows you to lower the temperature while the fire and left button lets you raise the temperature
- Battery indicator, so you know when the mod needs to be recharged
- Amps
- Puff counter, so you can keep tracking of your vaping activity
- Volts
- Type of coil used such as the nickel, stainless steel, or titanium
How to Get the GeekVape Aegis Firmware Update
The exciting thing about the GeekVape Aegis is that the company provides you firmware updates from time to time that you can download from the official website. Here’s what you need to do:
- Remove the battery from the bottom of the mod.
- Unscrew the atomizer and set it aside.
- Using a T6 torque, remove the tiny screws at the top of the mod. Given the small size of the screws, take care to store them carefully for reinserting when you’re done with the GeekVape Aegis update.
- Remove the faceplate to expose the USB cable port that has a waterproof silicone cover. Remove this cover and set it aside.
- Connect one end of the cable to your PC or laptop.
- When connecting the other end to the mod, take care to keep the fire button pressed down. This function helps to override the existing files, so the updates can take their place.
- Open the GeekVape website by clicking on www.geekvape.com. Click on the “Support” button.
- Locate the Firmware icon and click on the button.
- You’ll find a page with the detailed step-by-step instructions on how to download the files you need.
- Scroll down the page and you’ll come to a list of the different versions of the Aegis so you can select the one that matches the description of your particular model.
- Note that the file is in the zipped version, so you must open the file using an Extract tool.
- Once you’ve unzipped the files, you must start up the “exe” tool that will install the files into your device.
- When the process is complete, you’ll see a notification on the screen.
- Disconnect the cable and replace the silicone cover securely. Also, reinsert the faceplate and screws. Reset the battery and attach the atomizer.
You are now ready to use the Aegis box mod.
Ready to Expand on Your Vaping Skills and Experiences? Try the GeekVape Zeus Dual RTA
When you’re ready to move on Rebuildable Tank Atomizers (RTA), check out the Zeus collection of Geek products. You can choose any of the atomizers like GeekVape Zeus RTA 4mL, GeekVape Ammit Dual Coil Version, and GeekVape Blitzen RTA all of which are available at BlackoutVapors. Do keep in mind that most atomizers are compatible with GeekVape mods so you can mix and match when you feel like it. While you’re experimenting with building coils, one of the first things to invest in would be the GeekVape essential tool kit. This zip-up kit has all the tools you’ll need for making coils from GeekVape wire and inserting fresh wicks in the coils.
How to Insert a Fresh Coil into the GeekVape Zeus Atomizers
Learning how to insert a fresh coil in the atomizers is a skill you’ll have to master. That’s because, over time, coils do get worn out or the atomizer has too much debris that needs to be cleaned up. You’ll also have to replace the cotton wick from time to time especially when you’re thinking of trying a new flavor of e-liquid. Like expert vapor geeks will tell you, if you aren’t quite happy with the vapors you’re getting or the flavors are not enjoyable enough, know that your GeekVape RTA needs a bit of tinkering.
Here’s a quick lesson on how to change a GeekVape coil.
- Unscrew the cap of the atomizer to expose the deck on top. Most GeekVape atomizers are dual coil. That means that the deck has room for two coils that you can fit at a time for more vapor and stronger flavors.
- You’ll note that the airflow channels are placed on either side of the deck with just enough room for two, six-loop 3mm coils. Measure the length of the coil ends against the wicking channels and trim off the excess using the clippers from the GeekVape tool kit.
- Place the ends of the coils into the slots and use the shaping rod to center the coils perfectly into position. Typically, the coils have just a millimeter or two of space between them.
- If you’re using a GeekVape mod with temperature control, take a few minutes to set up your resistance levels and lock the settings in.
- Place the atomizer back on the mod and hit the fire button a couple of times to test that the coils are heating up properly.
- Allow the coils to cool down completely before inserting the GeekVape cotton wicks. Slip the wicks in using the tweezers and trim the ends. A good rule of the thumb is to allow the ends to extend a couple of millimeters out of the edge of the atomizer. Check that the cotton is long enough to reach the well at the base.
Fluff up the ends a little and then fit them into the sides of the e-liquid well. Smooth down the cotton.
- Add a few drops of your favorite e-juice to wet the cotton completely.
- While you can program the GeekVape mod to the settings of your choice, try this example. Choose settings like 0.23ohm with 70.0W and a temperature of 600F degrees.
- Push on the fire buttons a few times to let some of the vapors escape. As you see the cotton drying out, add a few more drops of the e-liquid for complete saturation. This step is essential to avoid dry hits and the uncomfortable, scratchy sensation at the back of your throat.
- Check the base of the atomizer carefully to make sure there are no cotton fibers in the threads. Next, screw the vaporizer back onto the mod.
- Open the cap at the top and you’ll see openings where you can fill the e-liquid into the tank. Fit the cap back on and make sure the air vents are open.
- Take a few puffs from the mod to test the right amount of airflow. If needed, open up the vents a little more until you get the vapors you want.
How to Use the GeekVape Lucid Tank
In case you’re ready for the next advanced vaping experience, it is understandable that you’re not quite comfortable with changing coils and wicks just yet. GeekVape has a solution for you with the Lucid Mod. A nifty device that is not only smart-looking and ergonomically perfect, but it is also compatible with the GeekVape disposable tank available under the name Lumi tank. This atomizer is pre-fitted with a mesh coil that cannot be changed. You’ll only see air vents and an opening where you can fill the e-liquid. However, once the atomizer reaches its end of lifecycle, you must replace it with a fresh Lumi coil made of polycarbonate. Interestingly though, the Lumi lasts you quite a long while, and is designed in such a way that you can use up every drop of the e-juice you load into it.
What is the Alpha Sub-Ohm Tank from GeekVape?
Experienced vapor geeks swear by the Alpha sub-ohm tanks from GeekVape. Should you read the GeekVape review about this model, you’ll learn about several features that set it apart from the rest. Here goes:
- These sleek gadgets have long-lasting coils that are likely to last you at least a week. However, this longevity may also depend on the particular e-juice brands you’re using. Some brands and specific flavors tend to wear away the coils much faster and you may find that you need to replace the coils within a couple of days.
- The atomizers in the Alpha have wide vents for great airflow. You’ll find three air vents at the bottom of the atomizer. And, you can twist the base to get the exact airflow you want.
- Examine the coil and you’ll note that the drip tip sits on top of the slide-around cap that can be opened by pressing on the “Open” button on the side of the atomizer.
- Once you open the cap, you’ll see a single slot where you can fill the e-liquid of your choice. Expect that these GeekVape sub-ohm tanks will hold about 4mL of the e-juice.
- The extra vaporizer has two bands of organic cotton fitted around two mesh coils making it a dual coil mod. The markings on the side indicate that it has a wattage range of 60W to 110W. But you’ll also find that the recommended level is between 75W and 95W.
- Check the outer shell of the coil, and you’ll note that it has four vents that you can use to dampen the cotton.
The bottom line is that the Alpha range of mods from GeekVape are an excellent investment.
Interested in Squonking? Here’s What You Need to Know
If you like to experiment with different flavors of e-juices and don’t mind refilling frequently, you can choose from any of the box mods available from GeekVape. These devices are also perfect for users who don’t really vape a lot. But, if you’re looking for a vaping device that you can use on the go, opt for the GeekVape Squonk mod. Also called bottom-fed atomizers, the squonk mods have bigger tanks with a much larger capacity. For instance, for when you’re traveling and would prefer not to carry a backup bottle of e-juice, the “squonker” is just what you need.
The key difference between the regular GeekVape RDA kit and the GeekVape squonk is the structure. Typically, the GeekVape RDA has a glass tank containing the e-juice with the atomizer dipped in it. The e-liquid heats up by coming into contact with the coils through the vents. That’s how you get the rich flavors and vapors. On the other hand, the squonkers have a silicone tank that sits at the bottom of the device. Further, the body of the gadget has a window on one or both sides where you can squeeze the bottle. The pressure forces a few drops of the e-liquid into the coil at the top and wets the cotton wick in the atomizer. When you feel that the flavor is waning, you’ll squeeze the bottle again.
The main positive of the squonker is that you won’t waste any e-liquid nor is there a possibility of spit backs. That’s because when you release the pressure on the GeekVape tank, the excess e-liquid is sucked back into the bottle thanks to the vacuum action. Further, you’ll find that the tanks have a capacity of at least 7mL or more making them truly long-lasting between refills.
Do keep in mind that you can’t interchange the atomizers between a bottom feed or a squonker and a standard regular mod. Bottom fed mods have a 510 connector with an opening through which the e-juice is fed into the coil. If you use this coil with the standard atomizer, you risk the e-liquid seeping into the GeekVape battery and damaging the entire device.
Squonking with the GeekVape GBox
The GeekVape GBox is one of the best squonkers available in the market today. These devices include a high-power AS chipset that takes your vaping activity totally customizable. Here are some of the features you can expect to see in the GBox kit:
- High power output of up to 200W
- Enlarged OLED display screen
- Radar RDA for the automatic dripping experience
- Temperature control with adjustable Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR)
- Dual slots for inserting 18650 batteries
- Squonk bottle with a capacity of 8mL
- Supports coils made with Titanium, Stainless Steel, and Nickel 200
- 510 connector with spring loading
- GeekVape juice flask dispenser that has a capacity of 30mL for bringing extra e-liquid for refills
If you would prefer a basic squonker without the chipset or the need for temperature and wattage control, a good option would be the GeekVape Athena. This bottom-fed device is powered by a single 18650 battery and is essentially, a mechanical mod.
How to Use the GeekVape Juice Flask with the GBox
When you examine the Geekvape liquid dispenser, you’ll find that it has a matte-finish stainless steel covering with a silicone flask inside. This handy flask is a great investment because you can use it to reload just about any kind of vaping mod or squonker.
Unscrew the cap off the flask and you’ll notice that it has a stainless steel nozzle. Remove the nozzle and its base and you’ll see the smaller threaded opening where the flask will fit over your squonker. Remove this lid also, and you’ll come to the silicone bottle that you can fill using the e-liquid of your choice.
When you’re ready to fill the squonker, remove the nozzle complete with the base and attach the flask by screwing it on the Gbox. As you repeatedly press on the silicone bottle through the window, you can fill up the squonker tank directly without opening up the whole device. Do remember to clean up the base before replacing the drip tip. Of course, you can also use the nozzle to fill any regular coil-based atomizers.
If you’re wondering where to buy GeekVape mech mods, squonkers with chipsets, or regular mods with single or dual coils, simply check out BlackoutVapors. You only need to select the mods and accessories you need and we’ll ship them to you. If it’s just information you need, fill this form, and we’ll get back to you with answers to your queries. You can also call us at this number: 716-370-6134 and talk to a live agent. Pick up the phone. Now!